The Christian Worldview

Engaging God’s Design in the Local Church

David Wheaton Season 2025 Episode 9

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GUEST: ACE DAVIS, pastor, Faith Bible Church (White Bear Lake, MN)

The church, the body of true believers in Jesus Christ from every tribe and tongue, is called “the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15).

God began the church 50 days after the Passover on which Jesus was crucified, by sending His Holy Spirit to indwell and empower believers to do God’s will.

Ever since, despite relentless attempts to destroy or corrupt it, the church has unstoppably marched on as a witness to the saving and sanctifying power of God through His Son, His Spirit and His Word.

There is no category for a Christian to not be part of a local church. The example of first century believers was that their lives were centered around the church, as they gathered each week to worship God, fellowship with one another, pray, remember the Lord’s death and resurrection, and hear the preaching of God’s Word.

In short, the church is a top priority for God and needs to be for believers as well.

This week, pastor Ace Davis of Faith Bible Church (White Bear Lake, MN) will join us to discuss various aspects of the church in light of the session he will be teaching in June at The Overcomer Course for Young Adults titled “Engaging God’s Design in the Local Church.

Later in the program, Jerry Newcombe, executive director of Providence Forum, will join us for part 2 of our conversation on the faith and character of our first president George Washington. Jerry is the producer of a one-hour documentary on George Washington that you can order in our store.



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